Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2) "Nothing personal but I can't have the two of you interfering!"
Who wants to marry a Prince?
Martial Arts Flower Arranging?!
Saved! Sort of ...
I expected to be a spectator, not a trophy!
Duck and Cover!
I'm having grave doubts about the Hawaiian school system
Kei (Dirty Pair) "No Mr. Bond, I Expect You To Die!
Kim Possible The cheesiest episode yet!
I've been slimed!
Stoppable, Ron Stoppable.
Smarter than the average Arch-Villain!
Gotta watch out for Grandma Possible
Naru Osaka (Sailor Moon) Nephrite wasn't kidding that knowing him would be bad news!
I used to be regular supporting cast but now I'm lucky to make it back once a season to get zapped!
Teela (Masters of the Universe) Mommy Dearest?
Problems a plenty
Adam's the only one left? Well, we're doomed
A real green thumb!
Bad hair day
Holly, wood and vine
On the beach
Evilin joins the fun
Teen Titans School with all Mod Cons
X marks the spot
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